Course design

  1. This course was created in 2023 in order to demonstrate complex sc-analysis workflows for bench scientists and trainees at the Tulane School of Medicine. This course was initially conceived, designed, and conducted by Dr. Fahd Qadir, a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Franck Mauvais Jarvis’s Lab at Tulane University School of Medicine. We hope that this course will act as a template for future generations of post-doctoral fellows and scientists to utilize in order to train the next generation of trainees at the Tulane School of Medicine.

Funding and support:

  1. This course has been made available thanks to funding from The Tulane Center for Excellence: Sex-Based Biology and Medicine and Tulane Biomedical Science Graduate Program.


  1. Tulane School of Medicine
  2. Tulane Biomedical Science Graduate Program
  3. Dr. Franck Mauvais-Jarvis Lab
  4. Dr. Sarah Lindsey
  5. Dr. Weiwei Xu
  6. Members of the Rahul Satija and Tim Stuart labs for discussions and help.
  7. The maintainers of R, RStudio, Python, and C++ for their work which enables us to perform this analysis.
  8. 10X Genomics for making their PBMC data publicly available for analysis and tutorial purposes.
  9. The variety of packages used in this workshop, including Seurat, Harmony, and many others.
  10. Just-The-Docs creators and developers for helpful discussions and creating the core code on which this website runs.

Website architecture

This website runs on Jekyll and Ruby, based on a theme generated by Just The Docs.